Paradise island hd Wiki
Price € 60
Staff required 40 employees
Energy units consumed 70 units
XP gained for constructing 1,500 XP
Size 7x7 tiles
Time to 100% accumulation 13:00:00
Must be placed on Land
Road required Yes
Max number of facilities 3
Available from

February 4, 2012, for 4 days
December 14, 2012, for 4 days
January 8, 2014, for 4 days

Xmas ski park

Event xmas ski park Construction / Upgrading Income Dollars small Repair Repair all button Yield/hour/tile
Costs Time Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big
Initially € 60 21:00:00 $ 41,000 24 $ 13,200 $ 61 0.04
Level 1 $ 16,500 10:30:00 $ 47,149 25 $ 15,840 $ 70 0.04
Level 2 $ 28,050 13:39:00 $ 54,222 26 $ 19,008 $ 80 0.04
Level 3 $ 47,685 17:44:42 $ 62,355 28 $ 22,809 $ 92 0.05
Level 4 $ 81,064 23:04:06 $ 71,709 29 $ 27,371 $ 106 0.05
Level 5 $ 137,809 29:59:20 $ 82,465 30 $ 32,845 $ 121 0.05

Profitability per hour per tile at Level 5
Totems of
At 70% accumulation At 100% accumulation
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 $ 118 $ 130 $ 143 $ 155 $ 121 $ 134 $ 146 $ 159
1 $ 119 $ 131 $ 144 $ 156 $ 122 $ 135 $ 147 $ 160
2 $ 120 $ 133 $ 145 $ 158 $ 123 $ 135 $ 148 $ 161
3 $ 121 $ 134 $ 146 $ 159 $ 124 $ 136 $ 149 $ 162