Paradise island hd Wiki
Price € 70
Staff required 70 employees
Energy units consumed 85 units
XP gained for constructing 1,700 XP
Size 5x5 tiles
Time to 100% accumulation 17:00:00
Must be placed on Land
Road required Yes
Max number of facilities 3
Available from

December 21, 2012, for 96 hours
January 25, 2013, for 96 hours

Xmas mansion whitewood

Event xmas mansion whitewood Construction / Upgrading Income Dollars small Repair Repair all button Yield/hour/tile
Costs Time Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big
Initially € 70 21:00:00 $ 49,000 29 $ 15,400 $ 109 0.07
Level 1 $ 19,250 10:30:00 $ 56,349 30 $ 18,480 $ 125 0.07
Level 2 $ 32,725 13:39:00 $ 64,802 31 $ 22,176 $ 144 0.08
Level 3 $ 55,632 17:44:42 $ 74,522 32 $ 26,611 $ 165 0.08
Level 4 $ 94,575 23:04:06 $ 85,701 33 $ 31,933 $ 189 0.08
Level 5 $ 160,777 29:59:20 $ 98,556 34 $ 38,320 $ 218 0.08

Profitability per hour per tile at Level 5
Totems of
At 70% accumulation At 100% accumulation
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 $ 212 $ 234 $ 256 $ 278 $ 218 $ 240 $ 262 $ 285
1 $ 214 $ 236 $ 258 $ 280 $ 219 $ 241 $ 264 $ 286
2 $ 216 $ 238 $ 260 $ 282 $ 220 $ 243 $ 265 $ 288
3 $ 218 $ 240 $ 262 $ 285 $ 222 $ 244 $ 267 $ 290