Paradise island hd Wiki
Requirements Snow House + Snow Fort +
Snowboard Park + Ice Statue
Price 300 Snowball large, 280 Candycane large, 280 Ball large, 125 Bells large
Staff required 70 employees
Energy units consumed 95 units
XP gained for constructing 2,000 XP
Size 6x6 tiles
Time to 100% accumulation 20:00:00
Must be placed on Land
Road required Yes
Max number of facilities 1
Available from

December 29, 2013, for 14 days


Icon xmas Construction / Upgrading Income Dollars small Repair Repair all button Yield/hour/tile
Costs Time Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big
Initially 25:00:00 $ 160,000 140 $ 1,000,000 238 $ 117 0.21
Level 1 $ 1,250,000 12:30:00 $ 183,999 145 $ 1,200,000 238 $ 130 0.22
Level 2 $ 2,125,000 16:15:00 $ 211,599 150 $ 1,440,000 239 $ 144 0.22
Level 3 $ 3,612,500 21:07:30 $ 243,339 155 $ 1,728,000 239 $ 159 0.23
Level 4 $ 6,141,250 27:27:45 $ 279,840 160 $ 2,073,600 240 $ 174 0.24
Level 5 $ 10,440,125 35:42:04 $ 321,817 165 $ 2,488,320 240 $ 190 0.24

Profitability per hour per tile at Level 5
Totems of
At 70% accumulation At 100% accumulation
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 $ 85 $ 128 $ 170 $ 213 $ 190 $ 233 $ 276 $ 319
1 $ 120 $ 163 $ 205 $ 248 $ 215 $ 258 $ 301 $ 345
2 $ 155 $ 198 $ 241 $ 284 $ 240 $ 283 $ 327 $ 370
3 $ 190 $ 233 $ 276 $ 319 $ 265 $ 309 $ 352 $ 396