Paradise island hd Wiki
Comic book store
Price 80 Mask large + 80 Cape large + 60 Boots large
Staff required 30 employees
Energy units consumed 45 units
XP gained for constructing 1,500 XP
Size 5x5 tiles
Time to 100% accumulation 12:00:00
Must be placed on Land
Road required Yes
Max number of facilities 1
Available from

December 1, 2012,
during Superhero's Day

Comic book store

Event superhero Construction / Upgrading Income Dollars small Repair Repair all button Yield/hour/tile
Costs Time Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big Green buck Xp big
Initially 00:00 $ 30,000 28 $ 40,000 $ 87 0.1
Level 1 $ 50,000 6:00:00 $ 34,499 29 $ 48,000 $ 100 0.1
Level 2 $ 85,000 7:48:00 $ 39,674 30 $ 57,600 $ 114 0.1
Level 3 $ 144,500 10:08:24 $ 45,626 31 $ 69,120 $ 131 0.11
Level 4 $ 245,650 13:10:55 $ 52,470 32 $ 82,944 $ 149 0.11
Level 5 $ 417,605 17:08:11 $ 60,340 34 $ 99,532 $ 171 0.12

Profitability per hour per tile at Level 5
Totems of
At 70% accumulation At 100% accumulation
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
0 $ 159 $ 178 $ 197 $ 216 $ 171 $ 190 $ 210 $ 229
1 $ 163 $ 182 $ 201 $ 220 $ 174 $ 193 $ 213 $ 232
2 $ 167 $ 186 $ 205 $ 225 $ 177 $ 196 $ 216 $ 235
3 $ 171 $ 190 $ 210 $ 229 $ 180 $ 199 $ 219 $ 239