This event first started on May the 5th 2014 and lasts for 7 days.
Introduction []
Now you can build the Coliseum for $7000 and participate in battles with your friends against other teams to test your skill. The event is very similar to Snow Arena.
Weekly league []
During weekly tournaments you can participate in merry battles at Coliseum. After the event's conclusion each player will get a prize according to his or her place in the ranking. The rank is calculated by the amount of glory points you get by engaging in battles.
The first 5 places get:
- 300 piastres
- 100 medals
- 1 fine ruby
- 1 amethyst
- 2 great sell building scrolls
- 3 great time scrolls
- 3 great profit scrolls
- 3 free repair scrolls
- 3 golden keys
- 7 silver keys
- 12 iron keys
- 5 golden rings
- 10 pearls
- 25 shells
The top 4-50 places get:
- 100 piastres
- 30 medals
- 1 emerald
- 1 small topaz
- 1 sell building scroll
- 1 great time scroll
- 1 great profit scroll
- 1 large time scroll
- 1 large profit scroll
- 1 golden key
- 3 silver keys
- 5 iron keys
- 3 golden rings
- 7 pearls
- 13 shells
The top 51-250 places get:
- 20 piastres
- 10 medals
- 1 small emerald
- 1 small ruby
- 1 sell building scroll
- 1 large time scroll
- 1 large profit scroll
- 1 small time scroll
- 1 small profit scroll
- 1 silver key
- 3 iron keys
- 2 golden rings
- 3 pearls
- 5 shells
The rest of people who got at least one glory point gets:
- 3 piastres
- 1 medal
- 1 small emerald
- 1 small sapphire
- 1 sell building scroll
- 1 small time scroll
- 1 small profit scroll
- 1 collect all profit scroll
- 3 golden rings
- 5 pearls
- 7 shells
Navigator rank. TBD..
Zapping information[]
Every 5 minutes a special tourist (later referred to as the peddler) will appear. In exchange for 5 zaps from your energy bar he will provide you with a weapon to use against the opposite team. The rivals have a total of 5000 damage points and the time you have to defeat them is approximately 12 minutes (counting loading times). However, even though the game charges five willpower points each time, it takes 12 minutes for a SINGLE point to recharge. Therefore you can only have three battles in a row before you run out of willpower. Then, in order to have another three battle raid, you need to wait 15 willpower points * 12 minutes for each = 180 minutes (3 hours).
You can use 18 different weapons to attack the rivals:
Joining the battle[]
The rules are different from, let's say, Ice Giant. You cannot invite each other, joining the battles is random. You have a willpower bar with 15 zaps with recharge rate of 12 minutes per zap. Entering a battle consumes 5 zaps, so basically, you can join three battles in a row and then be redundant until it recharges. You can also spend 10 piastres on that, but it will cost you a lot in a longer run and you better spend the money elsewhere (it is not like carrots or icicles that you can buy exactly the quantity you need - willpower recharges like the regular energy bar and thus you should only consider replenishing it with piastres when it is totally empty).
Reward distribution[]
In case the crew wins, everybody gets so-called Participant Chests, some experience and, in case of the first 3 places (that are marked with star-shaped medals) a certain amount of additional awards:
- When the opposite team is defeated 2500 XP is divided on the players participating. If a player does 50% of the damage he will get 1250 XP, a player doing 10% of the damage will get 250 XP and so on.
- 1st place: there is no longer the tribute period. The difference is the chests' contents. The 1st place includes a chance for fine rubies, sapphires, emeralds and topazes, flawless amethysts, fifth elements, medium batteries, medals (which serve as an additional currency for a newly introduced section in the shop), valuable scrolls (all normal large ones, free upgrade, free repair, collect all profit scrolls plus great profit scrolls, elite economy scrolls and great sell building scrolls), keys and resources. The 1st place also gets 3 piastres - and a bunch of experience points.
- 2nd place: there is no longer the tribute period. The difference is the chests' contents. The 2nd place includes a chance for fine rubies, aquamarines, small batteries, medals, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts and topazes, valuable scrolls (all normal large and medium ones, free upgrade, free repair, sell building and collect all profit scrolls), keys and resources.
- 3rd place: there is no longer the tribute period. The difference is the chests' contents. The 3rd place includes a chance for rubies, small batteries, medals, small rubies, small sapphires, small emeralds and small topazes, valuable scrolls (all normal large and medium ones, free upgrade, free repair, sell building and collect all profit scrolls), keys and resources.
- 4th place: a single Participant Chest with a chance for medals, valuable scrolls (all normal small ones, medium economy scrolls, sell building and collect all profit scrolls), keys and resources.
- 5th place: a single Participant Chest with a chance for medals, valuable scrolls (all normal small ones, medium economy scrolls, sell building and collect all profit scrolls), keys and resources.
- WARNING: if the 5th place dealt approximately less than 5% of the overall damage OR the team lost, the chest you get is called Pacifist Chest, which contains only 1 shell, 1 pearl and 1 rent scroll; this pack's contents do not change. (If 0 damage is done and your team wins you still get participants chest)
If the party loses, everybody will get some experience (perhaps the people with the most points - or when you lowered the rivals' health below 50% - will still get the Pacifist Chest) and glory points depending on how many damage points you got. If none of the 2 sides deals enough damage to makes the other side lose, then the reward of both sides is the same as losing the game, but the game will say draw.
Chests' contents (weeks with glory points)[]
If you have received a chest that is not listed here, please add it to the table or let us know the contents in the comments. Also do so in case you see a different amount of something in the contents.
Gold Chests
Chest 1 | free upgrade, 2 large profit, 2 pearls |
Chest 2 | 9 medals, large time, 2 collect all profit |
Chest 3 | |
Chest 4 | |
Chest 5 | |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
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Chest 10 | |
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Chest 18 | |
Chest 19 | |
Chest 20 | |
Chest 21 | |
Chest 22 | |
Chest 23 | |
Chest 24 | |
Chest 25 | |
Chest 26 | |
Chest 27 | |
Chest 28 | |
Chest 29 | |
Chest 30 | |
Chest 31 | |
Chest 32 | |
Chest 33 | |
Chest 34 | |
Chest 35 | |
Chest 36 | |
Chest 37 | |
Chest 38 | |
Chest 39 | |
Pacifist Chest | 1 collect all profit scroll, 1 pearl, 1 shell |
Silver Chests
Chest 1 | sell building, medium time, 2 pearls |
Chest 2 | sapphire, medium time, 3shells |
Chest 3 | emerald, medium profit, collect all profit |
Chest 4 | medium time, medium profit, 2 shells |
Chest 5 | small battery, medium economy, ring |
Chest 6 | free repair, 2 medium prifit, 2 pearl |
Chest 7 | 6 medals, sell building, ring |
Chest 8 | aquamarine, free repair, iron key |
Chest 9 | large profit, large time, 2 rings |
Chest 10 | 8 medals, 1 free repair, 1 silver key |
Chest 11 | |
Chest 12 | |
Chest 13 | |
Chest 14 | |
Chest 15 | |
Chest 16 | |
Chest 17 | |
Chest 18 | |
Chest 19 | |
Chest 20 | |
Pacifist Chest | 1 collect all profit scroll, 1 pearl, 1 shell |
Bronze Chests
Chest 1 | medium economy, medium time, 2shells |
Chest 2 | small emerald, large time, 2 shells |
Chest 3 | medium profit, medium time, 2pearl |
Chest 4 | sapphire, free upgrade, iron key |
Chest 5 | 6 medals,1 free repair,1 free upgrade |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | |
Chest 11 | |
Chest 12 | |
Chest 13 | |
Chest 14 | |
Chest 15 | |
Chest 16 | |
Chest 17 | |
Chest 18 | |
Chest 19 | |
Pacifist Chest |
Participant's Chests
Chest 1 | Sell Building Scroll, Small Time Scroll, 1 Pearl |
Chest 2 | Small Sapphire, Small Profit Scroll, 1 Ring |
Chest 3 | medium time, small profit, pearl |
Chest 4 | small economy, sell building, shell |
Chest 5 | 2 medals, 1 medium economy, 1 collect all profit |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | |
Chest 11 | |
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Chest 20 | |
Chest 21 | |
Chest 22 | |
Chest 23 | |
Chest 24 | |
Chest 25 | |
Chest 26 | |
Chest 27 | |
Pacifist Chest |
Chest 1 | 1 fifth element, 1 free upgrade scroll, 2 golden rings |
Chest 2 | 1 great time scroll, 2 large profit scroll, 3 shells |
Chest 3 | 1 free repair scroll, 1 sell building scroll, 1 golden ring |
Chest 4 | 1 great time scroll, 1 free repair scroll, 2-3 collect all profit scrolls |
Chest 5 | 1 flawless amethyst, 1 large time scroll, 2 pearls |
Chest 6 | 1 fine topaz, 1 large profit scroll, 1 golden key |
Chest 7 | 1 great sell building scroll, 1 free upgrade scroll, 3 pearls |
Chest 8 | 1 topaz, 1 medium profit scroll, 1-2 pearls |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | 1 fine ruby, 1 medium time scroll, 4 shells |
Chest 11 | 1 small topaz, 1 large time scroll, 1 iron key |
Chest 12 | 1 elite economy scroll, 1 large time scroll, 2 golden rings |
Chest 13 | 1 sell building scroll, 1-2 medium time scrolls, 1 pearl |
Chest 14 | 1 emerald, 1 medium profit scroll, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 15 | 1 amethyst, 1 medium profit scroll, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 16 | 1 small topaz, 1 small time scroll, 1 golden ring |
Chest 17 | 1 small sapphire, 1 large profit scroll, 1 pearl |
Chest 18 | 1 small emerald, 1 large time scroll, 2 shells |
Chest 19 | 1 free repair scroll, 1 medium profit scroll, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 20 | 1 small economy scroll, 1 sell building scroll, 1 shell |
Chest 21 | 1 medium economy scroll, 1 medium time scroll, 2 shells |
Chest 22 | 1 free repair scroll, 1 medium profit scroll, 2 shells |
Chest 23 | 8 medals, 1 free upgrade scroll, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 24 | 1 great profit scroll, 1 large time scroll, 1 silver key |
Chest 25 | 2 medals, 1 medium economy scroll, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 26 | 1 sapphire, 1-2 medium time scrolls, 3 shells |
Chest 27 | 1 ruby, 1 medium time scroll, 1 iron key |
Chest 28 | 1 medium profit scroll, 1 small time scroll, 2 shells |
Chest 29 | 6 medals, 1 free upgrade scroll, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 30 | 1 medium economy scroll, 2 medium time scrolls, 1 pearl |
Chest 31 | 1 free upgrade scroll, 1 large time scroll, 1 golden ring |
Chest 32 | 1 aquamarine, 1 sell building scroll, 3 shells |
Chest 33 | |
Chest 34 | 1 medium time scroll, 1 sell building scroll, 1 iron key |
Chest 35 | 9 medals, 1 free repair scroll, 1 golden key |
Chest 36 | 1 fine topaz, 1 free upgrade scroll, 3 shells |
Chest 37 | 1 fine sapphire, 1 large time scroll, 1 silver key |
Chest 38 | 1 large economy scroll, 1 sell building scroll, 1 shell |
Chest 39 | 1 great time scroll, 1 large profit scroll, 2 collect all profit scrolls |
Pacifist Chest | 1 collect all profit scroll, 1 pearl, 1 shell |
Chest's contents (weeks without glory points)[]
Gold Chests
Chest 1 | Free Repair Scroll, Iron Key, 2 Shells |
Chest 2 | Amethyst, Large Profit Scroll, Large Time Scroll |
Chest 3 | Large Time Scroll, Medium Profit Scroll, 1-2 Pearls |
Chest 4 | Great Time Scroll, Sell Building Scroll, 2 Rings |
Chest 5 | |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | |
Chest 11 | |
Chest 12 | |
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Chest 31 | |
Chest 32 | |
Chest 33 | |
Chest 34 | |
Chest 35 | |
Chest 36 | |
Chest 37 | |
Chest 38 | |
Chest 39 | |
Pacifist Chest | 1 collect all profit scroll, 1 pearl, 1 shell |
Silver Chests
Chest 1 | Medium Time Scroll, 1 Pearl, 1 Shell |
Chest 2 | Large Economy Scroll, Sell building Scroll, 1 Iron Key |
Chest 3 | Emerald, Pearl, Free Repair Scroll |
Chest 4 | Amethyst, Medium Profit Scroll, Shell |
Chest 5 | 3 medals, 1 jellyfish, 1 collect all profit |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | |
Chest 11 | |
Chest 12 | |
Chest 13 | |
Chest 14 | |
Chest 15 | |
Chest 16 | |
Chest 17 | |
Chest 18 | |
Chest 19 | |
Chest 20 | |
Pacifist Chest | 1 collect all profit scroll, 1 pearl, 1 shell |
Bronze Chests
Chest 1 | Small Profit Scroll, Pearl, 2 Shells |
Chest 2 | Medium Profit Scroll, Small Time Scroll, 1-2 Shells |
Chest 3 | Iron Key, Free Repair Scroll, 2 Pearls |
Chest 4 | Medium Economy Scroll, Medium Time Scroll, 1-2 Shells |
Chest 5 | Swordfish, Sell Building Scroll, 1 Ring |
Chest 6 | 2 medals, 1 starfish, 3 collect all profit scrolls |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | |
Chest 11 | |
Chest 12 | |
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Chest 33 | |
Chest 34 | |
Chest 35 | |
Chest 36 | |
Chest 37 | |
Chest 38 | |
Chest 39 | |
Pacifist Chest |
Participant's Chests
Chest 1 | Small Time Scroll, Small Profit Scroll, 1 Pearl |
Chest 2 | Sell Building Scroll, Small Time Scroll, 1 Shell |
Chest 3 | Small Economy Scroll, Sell Building Scroll, 1 Shell |
Chest 4 | 1 Medal, Medium Economy Scroll, Collect All Profit Scroll |
Chest 5 | |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
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Chest 31 | |
Chest 32 | |
Chest 33 | |
Chest 34 | |
Chest 35 | |
Chest 36 | |
Chest 37 | |
Chest 38 | |
Chest 39 | |
Pacifist Chest |
Chest 1 | 4 medals, 1 jellyfish grenade, 3 shells |
Chest 2 | |
Chest 3 | 2 medals, 1 starfish, 3 collect all profit scrolls |
Chest 4 | |
Chest 5 | 3 medals, 1 jellyfish grenade, 1 collect all profit scroll |
Chest 6 | |
Chest 7 | |
Chest 8 | |
Chest 9 | |
Chest 10 | |
Chest 11 | 1 swordfish, 1 free upgrade scroll, 2 golden rings |
Chest 12 | 5 medals, 1 starfish, 1 golden key |
Chest 13 | 3 medals, 1 starfish, 3 collect all profit scrolls |
Chest 14 | 1 medals ,1 sell building scroll ,1 shell |
Chest 15 | 1 starfish ,1 swordfish swordfish ,1 silver key |
Chest 16 | |
Chest 17 | |
Pacifist chest | 1 shell, 1 pearl, 1 collect all profit scroll |
There is a new section in the shop where the currency is medals. You can get them by winning battles. The section includes buildings like Pirates ship, Medieval Castle, Volcano Rock Concert, Alexandrian Lighthouse or Sweets Corner, scrolls (great sell building, free upgrade and collect all profit), gems like sapphires and topazes as well as small batteries and one of the best weapons - starfish.
Warning! If the price doesn't feature the medal icon, it means you will also pay some piastres. Watch out if you don't want to spend them! Only things with medal icons charge just medals. Most buildings require an additional fee in piastres.
This event is based on two things: the element of randomness and strategy. You can either come up with your own (sharing is appreciated) or follow the tips EnigmaticOxygen invented (see points 1-10 below).
- first thing first you must collect every weapon from tourist every 5 minutes so in a day you may get some piastres weapon and use those in battles for getting better place.
- The battles are fast-paced and the total time is around 10 minutes if you count in the waiting time, during which the time runs out, but the players are unable to do anything. It is much less about the weapons and much more about the swiftness of your fingers - and choosing the weapons properly.
- Inflatable Hammers are unlimited and free. Join as many fights as you can to both increase glory points that level you up in the ranking (see the sections above) and score up as much as you can. Even if you don't spend any dollars on it, the battle can be won with the free weapons, although it requires a lot of luck (sleeping opponents?) and patience.
- Inflatable Hammers reload quickly, therefore keep an eye on them and use a new one immediately after the last one reloaded. The next weapon to use is Boomerang - it has the same reload time as Water Pistol (1,5 minutes), but deals much more damage. It is well worth buying as it costs dollars instead of piastres.
- The sequence if you're not using piastres should be like this: Inflatable Hammer - Boomerang - Water Pistol. The battles end quickly, so you can afford a few minutes to tap immediately after the slot is free.
- The first seconds are crucial. If your team manages to deal damage before the opponents do, your chances increase. Remember the sequence of usage and stick to it.
- There is another thing to consider: if you know you're going to lose the battle, think about buying a couple of dollar-costing weapons beforehand. As they are only available through the battle window, you have to buy them here. If you purchase several Boomerangs, let's say, you will save a few crucial seconds on using the next as you will not have to confirm the following purchase.
- Don't be afraid of losing battles. Even then if you fight bravely, you will put aside a few glory points, not to mention a couple of dollars, experience points and perhaps even a Pacifist Chest, which is definitely better than nothing. The real rewards will be given after the event is over - and they will be based on the ranking, so be sure to level up as much as you can. Even people who will not be in the top 250 will get 3 piastres plus the rest of the shinies described in the sections above. So participate even if you don't want to spend piastres.
- This event seems not to put much pressure onto using piastres. The most active players who spend relatively little money will get the best things. Therefore we strongly encourage you to think about strategy instead of buying with piastres.